If you are a webdesigner or webmaster or just a crazy kid being skilled in using html and graphic programs, this is the right place for you to find a new home. Gubblebum is not only offering you a cuddly place for your hard work but many things beyond. Get your own free hosting space and bandwidth, a subdomain, personal email, php, cgi, ftp blabla and all that stuff.
If you are having a personal site, collective or whatever comes to mind, on a freeserver and are fed up with the stupid banner ads, pop ups or slow-transfer, just have a try and become a member of the gubblebum family. We are already waiting for you. As long as your site is anime or X-Files themed, you are free to apply.
The idea to host began with the idea of hosting journals only. It came to my mind after having my own one. I love to blog and spam the world with my crazy thoughts and I love it even more to get a comment or reaction of the reader. Some of my closest web-friends did not have the ability to upload such a cgi/mysql-journal, but I did. And because I am a nice girl, I offered to host them. As a result the idea grew to host also strangers, not only friends.
The journal idea turned into hosting personal sites with anime or X-Files content. I like it to host and help skilled people to find a home for their sites. There are a lot of talented designer out there, but broke to buy a domain, webspace and bandwidth. So now you got Gubblebum to pay for all these things. Everyone can join, as long as you agrees to certain rules and have certain artistic skills.
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Since: JAN/09/2002
Created by: shiricki
Version: blue blossoms
Brushes by: angelic
Hosting: closed
Data protection policy
Domains: 2
Websites: 17
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