
September 23, 2006
New X-Files site just opened its doors here at gubblebum. It's the official website for the "Create the Future" project in hope to get another X-Files movie into production. My happy welcome to Vieh and good luck for the site, I hope many X-Philes take part!

July 19, 2006
This update includes Scooly's new website. She moved over with her great brush and texture archive called Amalgam. Go there and have a look, the site is really an incredible cool resource.
Sadly Eloise had to leave with her website due to time issues. Nevertheless she is welcome to return, anytime she wants to. Good luck Eloise!

January 16, 2006
Happy New Year!!! First update, hurray. Let me introduce our newest family member: Vanessa with her website Ranime. It features original anime & manga wallpaper art. Go and check it out! Awesome work!
Additionally Sandee just left me all stunned again. She split her previous site into Ghosts (X-Files art) and Make Shift (all of her other art). Awesome new layouts with beautiful work as always!

September 13, 2005
The anime and manga fanlisting has a new layout and has been added to the hostee list. Additionally Sandee moved over theater of the mind to gubblebum. Really cool site, totally funny. Enjoy!

September 1, 2005
Final things added to the download page, 22 free plain buttons, html help with cool stuff like how to add a custom 404 page, prevent direct linking of images, block IPs from accessing your site and javascripts to disable right clicks or all invalid clicks. Enjoy and have fun.

August 30, 2005
Small update with new 189 emoticons and new 26 fonts. I especially love the milky emoticons. Aren't they cute? Happy downloading. ^__^

August 28, 2005
New design as you may realize. I wanted to go for something more organized. I changed the requirements for hosting as well. If you have not been accepted, have a try again if you like. New buttons, new downloads and houseofmirth.de and perfectdrug.net have been added to the hostee list.

June 14, 2005
As I predicted, the journals are off. Too much spam and no one who deleted it and I cannot care for all journals sadly >_< ... so I don't offer journal hosting any more. Sorry people. But still anime & manga sites accepted. Or cool brush and artwork sites please. X-Files always welcome as well.

March 21, 2005
First update this year and already bad news:
I have to remove the gubblebum journal offer *sigh* due to massive spam entries, which cannot be removed by any poster as it seems =( And I cannot remove about 100 spam entries each month either. You cannot do anything against spam, I hate it!
I alread mailed all members concerned. If you did not get a mail, email me. I won't remove any account, if you don't ask me to. But I'll remove all journals on April 1st, please backup if you wish.
Some good news last but not least:
Two former xplosive hostees have settled down at gubblebum. It's Sandee's X-Files Site and Eloise's X-Files Site. Welcome back!!!

December 28, 2004
lookuptothesky.de is back online with version 5.0 featuring Tippi. Welcome back Janine ^^ feel free to abuse your journal finally again.

December 26, 2004
Welcome Bellinda to gubblebum! We are having a new family member. She built up her place at seraphim. Don't forget to visit her journal too.

December 20, 2004
Gubblebum journals back online. Installed MT again and everything is working out fine. If you are a journal hostee, check your mailbox for you login details ^^
Also I welcome all xplosive hostees to gubblebum.net. Due to the server downtime, everyone is (temporarily) moving to gubblebum.net. First one who made it was Scooly, see her X-Files site at scooly.gubblebum.net and her personal site at tempus.gubblebum.net.

December 04, 2004
As you may have noticed, gubblebum.net is still moving.
It's now time to get back all sites online. If any hostee is reading this please email me if you have not received an email by me recently.
There have been made some rule changes please read them, if you are a hostee or consider applying ^^
Additionally Glimpse has been closed (temporarily ???) on December 1st; and also Annezca got her own domain and left us.
Looking for hostees, feel free to apply!

October 17, 2004
Shot one new project online. My lil trainee page called "Nippon" for japanese vocabulary, Hiragana and Katagana signs. Feel free to see nippon.gubblebum.net.

September 14, 2004
Welcome to the new hostee Annie. ^^ Her great pixelsite has found a new home at gubblebum. This layout must have taken her days. Check her site out at annezca.gubblebum.net.

August 8, 2004
Yet another update. I removed some of my fanlistings :Jelly Belly Beans and Tere. But I also took over the Chita fanlisting after being asked for. What a question! ^.~ You can visit it here: chita.gubblebum.net.

August 7, 2004
I deleted the fanlisting hosting offer. I don't want to host fanlistings anymore due to several reasons. One being: I want to save the webspace for big sites and give the possibility to host more big anime & manga sites. The only exception are my fanlistings, which will still be hosted here. If you are looking desperately for a site that hosts anime & manga fanlistings still, visit Gubblebum's sweet sister seraphellic.

June 16, 2004
And another site goes online. Welcome Moni, Jisuchi and Mina to Gubblebum. Their scanlation site Jingi is up and running. Get high quality manga scanlations over there.
June 13, 2004
Update already ^^ Welcome Scooly to Gubblebum. She has created her site collective Tempus Fugit. Go and see, it's looking so cool!

June 9, 2004
My Gawd! Forgot to update all the time >___< ... many many things happened, so I'll try to sum up shortly what happened within 6 months.
At first, as you can see, I redesigned the site. Version 5.0 you are seeing. I wanted to do a bubbling layout since a looong while and here it goes. ^^
Sorry to everyone who sent an application since the last update. Problems with mail transfer have been stated. Applications are running perfectly again. So apply!
The Animanga Forum has found its way to gubblebum.net and is another big site hosted. If you like anime and manga and want to chat about it, feel free to do so at this message board.
Sadly Janita moved out *sniff*, she got her own big place and so her sites are off gubblebum, but she's still a most special affiliate.

November 27, 2003
Already on November 13, i opened my anime & manga image site ^^ GLIMPSE ^^ - I forgot to mention it just because. It's hosted on gubblebum because it's a very big site with thousands of images. I hope you enjoy.
And Janita has hosted her third site with gubble. Congratulations!!! Hop over to sweetchita!
Have not gone through applications. Sorry! Bare with me.

November 3, 2003
Late update, Janita has createad fan-elia.net which is hosted here ^^ Good luck with you new site!
I have not gone through applications yet due to lack of time, will do that within the next few days. Sorry.

October 7, 2003
Welcome Sandee! She has her personal site & collective up running over her. Enjoy her site! I'm very happy to host her!

October 2, 2003
The old journal sites have been removed from the old server. If any hostee is experiencing any errors, that is because you used my ols server all the time. ^^ Go ahead here and log into your new one! Your zipped archive will be sent to you within the next few days. If you have questions, let me know.
Hope moved her fanlistings over to us! So check out her sites: Apocrypha & Piper Maru, Emily sim, Melissa Scully, Tithonus and The Truth.

September 12, 2003
I cannot believe it! Actually the redesign was done August 1st, and my providers really made it to take 1 month and 12 days to transfer this domain. Dumpheads! It's a miracle, they made it anyway.
I still have to transfer all ournals and let my hostees know of everything. But I'll hurry to do so and hosting everything is open again!!! Kawaii!!!
Please kindly read the update of august 1st, to get to know all changes and modifications. Thanks!

August 01, 2003
I redesigned the whole site, so welcome to Version 4.0! I did a lot of modifications and rewrote some basic things. It's good to roam the complete site again, even if you have been here before. You'll find something new on each page, I think!
As you can see, I installed a Gubblebum Update Blog to make updates easier to publish. You can surely add comments to my updates. I'd be happy about it and you'll be extra published on this site!
Free Layouts!
Janita was so kind to donate 2 unique free layouts for you to download. So a new section was opened. If you wouold like to donate a free layout, go ahead. I'll be happy to publish it here!

End of mystery.

Since: JAN/09/2002
Created by: shiricki
Version: blue blossoms
Brushes by: angelic
Hosting: closed

Data protection policy

Domains: 2
Websites: 17

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